Just Keep Swimming


Okay we have all heard the cliché “One step forward two steps back”. Seems like we all live that over and over. For me it’s more like four steps forward three steps back. The problem with the 3 steps back is that even though you are STILL one step ahead of where you start, the momentary set back knocks the wind out of your momentum and distracts you from the facts. So often on the “steps back” I get discouraged and hear the whispers “there you go again. You will NEVER reach your goal. You always give up.” But the truth is whenever you hear the whispers of “NEVER” and “ALWAYS” it is a lie. No one ALWAYS fails. We just sadly focus on the losses rather than the wins. I love the words of Dori–“just keep swimming just keep swimming.” We will get there if we don’t grow faint and give up. Be encouraged today by the words of Paul found in Galatians 6:9 “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.”

Victorya Rogers

Hey all, I’m an Author, Life Coach & Speaker. This is my personal blog aimed at encouraging and equipping women to make better choices so you can live the thrilling life God planned just for you! I write on relationships, dreams, daily life, and life transitions. I’ve written 4 books, including “Finding a Man worth Keeping.” I spent more than a decade as a Hollywood Talent Agent and met my Husband at the Golden Globe Awards then left Tinsel Town for love, marriage and happily ever after.


Will I EVER conquer this?


Oh the Places You’ll Go